Vabilo na fotografsko razstavo – Pozabljeni svet doline reke Omo

Ker odpotujem jutri v tujino, vas že danes vse lepo povabim na otvoritev moje fotografske razstave “Pozabljeni svet doline reke Omo”, ki bo v ponedeljek, dne 10.12.2012 ob 20. uri v KUD France Prešeren v Ljubljani. Vstop prost 🙂 Upam, da se vidimo.

Since tomorrow I am leaving for abroad, I am already inviting you to the opening of my photo exhibition “Forgotten world of Omo Valley”, which will be held on Monday, the 10th of December at 20h in KUD France Preseren in Ljubljana. Admission free 🙂 I hope to see you.

In ker me dostikrat kdo povpraša, kaj vse vzamem na te moje foto “assigmente”, dodajam še spodnjo fotografijo. Ravno pakiram foto opremo, ki jo bom potreboval pri  fotografiranju naročnikovih želja v kneževini Monaco. 🙂 Ob tem naročilu se mi smeji in tudi kravžljajo živčki že več kot mesec dni. Definitivno pa bo to nora avantura, polna zapletov, novih spoznanj. Več o tem pa po vrnitvi.

And because I am often asked what do I take on my photo assigments, I add the photo below. I am just packing my photo equipment I’ll need when photographing for a client in the Principality of Monaco. 🙂 With this assignment, I laugh and I am stressed for more than a month now. Definitely, this will be a crazy adventure, full of complications, new knowledge. More on that after my return.

