Poroka Jana in Tadej – Novo mesto, Zidanica Opara

Klub temu, da sem v zadnjem času zasut s postprodukcijo fotografij, sem vzel mimo vrste sobotni poročni dan Jane in Tadeja. In razlog temu je poročni dan, ki ga ne bom pozabil še dolgo. Vse skupaj se je začelo odvijati na njunem domu ob 10 uri zjutraj, končalo – no vsaj zame, pa ob 2. uri zjutraj. In dogajalo se je non stop. Dobesedno. Po pripravah na domu neveste in prihodu ženina je sledil civilni obred. Po obredu je bil čas za res zabaven session, srečanje z njunim kužatom (no, ne vem, če je to pravi izraz za tega simpatičnega, velikega psa), iskanje senc, bežanje pred poletnim soncem… Sledil je cerkveni obred, potem pot in krajše ustavljanje za nove vragolije J&T in potem zabava. In edina beseda, ki lahko opiše včerajšnjo zabavo je NORO!!! V pozitivnem smislu seveda. J&T, hvala za nepozaben včerajšnji dan. Bilo je enkratno.

Although I am stucked right now in post production process, I had to make fast selection of the photos from saturday wedding of J&T.  And the reason for that is that it was a wedding day that I will not forget for a long time. It all started at 10 o’clock in the morning at bride’s house, and ended – well at least for me, at 2 am in the morning next day. And it was action all the time. Literally. After the bride’s preparation and groom’s arrival, there was civil ceremony first. After the ceremony it was time for a really fun photo session, I met their puppy (well, I do not know if this is the right term for this cute, big dog), then we tried to escape from the summer temperatures… After that was the church ceremony, crazy short session on the filed on the way to the restaurant and then, the party. And the only word that can describe yesterday’s party is CRAZY! In a positive sense, of course. J & T, thank you for an unforgettable day yesterday. It was amazing to be part of this story.

