Na lovu za dobro svetobo – Mangart


Zadnje 3 mesece delam na zanimivem projektu – “outdoor activities”, ki pa mi zaradi vremena že kar precej para živce.  Najprej iskanje lokacij, potem dogovarjanje s športniki, iskanje prostih terminov, pa spremljanje vremenske napovedi. In ko vse skupaj uskladim in mislim da je to to, je vreme čisto nasprotje napovedanemu. Ok, kakšen dan še razumeš. Samo letos pa je teh dni kar precej. 🙂 In vmes, ko imam vsega skupaj že poln kufer in ko “prave” svetlobe doma tako ali tako ni, gremo brez posebnih planov na družinski izlet na drugo stran Slovenije. Tam pa brez planiranja in spremljanja napovedi najprej zagledam nekega Poljaka na rolki po cesti z Mangartskega sedla, za piko na i pa potem še jadralnega padalca, obsijanega z zadnjimi sončnimi žarki. 🙂

For the last 3 months I’m working on an interesting project outdoor activities”, but due to the bad weather it’s really getting on my nerves. First I have to search the sites, then arrange schedules with the models – athletes, and  finally check the weather forecasts. And when all this is set up and I think this is it, the weather is quite the opposite as the weathermen predicted. And when I have enough of everything and when there is no “real” light for my project at home, we went without any specific plans on a family trip to the other side of Slovenia. And there, without any planning and checking the forecast, there was a Polish guy descending the mountain of Mangart on a skateboard first, and finally, for the icing on the cake, there was a paraglider, catching the last rays of the sun. 🙂


