Otok Skye – prebujanje pod mogočnim Old Man of Storr

_x3a8608Vsi, ki me poznajo vedo, da nisem ravno jutranji tip človeka. 🙂 Milo rečeno. 🙂 In nič drugače ni na naših potovanjih, ko se le stežka navsezgodaj odpravim iz postelje in skušam dobiti čim boljšo fotografijo. Ko sem se na otoku Skye v trdi temi počasi skobacal iz tople postelje našega avtodoma, je bilo parkirišče pod stenami Old Man of Storr še prazno. Srečal sem le domačina, fotografa, ki bi mu lahko bil že oče, ki si je prav tako zadal, da sončni vzhod pričaka na tej verjetno najbolj znani točki otoka Skye. In če sva prvi del poti v res mrzlem jutru precej pod ničlo še skupaj grizla v strm klanec in si pot krajšala s kramljanjem, pa je bil drugi del le boj sam s sabo in uro, ki se je še prehitro približevala uri sončnega vzhoda. No, na vrh sva prišla skoraj skupaj, in ko sem nekako prišel do zraka, se je predstava narave že začela. Najprej, tik pred prvimi sončnimi žarki, se je od nikoder prikazala čreda ovac, ki je prav tako na hitro tudi izginila, potem pa je sledil še pravi “lightshow”. Ko je bila glavna predstava že mimo, sta do vrha počasi pricapljala še Jaka in Ana in v naslednjih urah smo le pohajkovali po tej nori pokrajini in občudovali razglede na vse strani. Ja, Old Man of Storr je zagotovo atrakcija številka 1 otoka Skye.

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All who know me know that I’m not a morning person. 🙂 To put it mildly. 🙂 And it’s the same while we travel. Its just sooo hard to leave that warm bed in the morning and try to make some good photos. 🙂 When we were sleeping in a campervan under the mighty Old Man Of Storr, it was still pitch dark outside when I woke up. And it was well below zero degrees. The parking was still empty, there was just one local young photographer, who was a good company on the first part of the steep path to the top of the Old Man. The second part of the hike we were just dealing with ourselves and looking at the watch if we are going to be too late to catch sunrise. We managed to climb to the rocks just couple of minutes before the show. At the beginning I just sat down, caught some breath and first watched a flock of sheep that appeared from nowhere and also quickly dissapeared. Maybe they knew that the real lightshow will begin in seconds. 🙂 After the main show of the nature, Jaka and Ana also arrived to the top and in the next few hours we were just hiking around and watching amazing landscape that surrounded us. Yes, hike to the Old Man of Storr is definitely number 1 attraction of the Isle of Skye.


