Poroka Anite in Matjaža – Portorož

Sezona poročne fotografije gre počasi h koncu in nad letošnjo sezono se res ne morem pritoževati. Sproščeni pari, neverjetne lokacije… Zadnja poroka A&M ni bila nobena izjema. Lepo jesensko soboto smo preživeli na slovenski obali, natančneje v Portororžu in okolici. Obred se je odvijal v marini Portorož, prav tako zabava, za session pa sem našel nekaj res lepih lokacij v bližini le teh. Skratka, še ena res lepa, z okusom dekorirana poroka, polna zanimivih detajlov. Vama A&M pa še čim več lepega v prihodnje.

Season of the wedding photography goes slowly to the end and I can really not complain about the season. Relaxed couples, amazing location … and the last wedding of A & M was no exception. We spent beautiful autumn Saturday on the Slovenian coast, in Portorož and the surrounding area. The ceremony and party were held at the Marina Portorož and for the session I found some really beautiful places nearby. So, another really beautiful wedding day, full of interesting details.  A & M, I wish you all the best in the future. 

