Poroka Katje in Mateja – Hudičev turn, Novo mesto


Mateja sem prvič srečal že pred leti. Na poročno soboto, on v vlogi glasbenika, jaz s fotoaparatom v roki. Čez kakšno leto ali dve me je na prvi poroki na območju Novega mesta za rokav pocukala še Katja. Sama, ker Matej je pač igral na poroki nedaleč stran. In v letih, ki so sledila, smo se tako srečali vsaj enkrat letno – Matej vedno z inštrumentom v roki, Katja zaradi Matejevih službenih obveznosti vedno sama. No, potem pa je prišla sobota v prejšnjem tednu, kjer sem ju na poročni dan končno videl tudi skupaj. 🙂 Ko sem lansko leto izvedel, da bova fotografirala njun poročni dan, sem vedel, da bo dan nekaj posebnega. Ker težko bi bilo drugače, saj sta oba strastna umetnika, ustvarjalca. In priznam, da sem bil nad poročnim dnem naravnost navdušen. Pričakal me je dan poln detajlov, novih lepih lokacij in še ene zabave z veliko začetnico. In za spremembo je bilo časa za fotografiranje na pretek. K&M, hvala za nepozaben dan in za dano priložnost, da ovekovečiva vajin dan. Fotk je ratalo čist preveč in težko bo izbrati najboljše. Uživajta še naprej in upam, da se srečamo še na kakšno soboto – z veseljem pa tudi kakšen drug dan v tednu. 🙂


I first met Matej many years ago on a wedding day. Me with a camera in my hand, he as a musician at the wedding party. After a year or two I had a first wedding in Novo mesto area. And then I first met Katja – she was alone, beacuse Matej was playing on a wedding not far away. And in the years that followed, we met like this at least once a year – Matej always with an instrument in his hand, Katja partying like crazy – alone. 🙂 But then came last Saturday when I finally met them together. 🙂 When I found out last year, that we are going to photograph their wedding day I knew, that their D day is going to be very special, especially because they are both passionate artists, designers. And the wedding day was truly amazing, full of interesting details, amazing locations and again unbelievable party at the end. And for a change, we had plenty of time for photo session on different locations at the best part of the day. K & M thanks for giving me the opportunity to be part of your amazing day. Have fun and I hope we meet again on wedding Saturdays – but even better on any other day of the week. 🙂


