Poroka Marjane in Robija – Posestvo Pule

Včerajšnji dan je bil pa pester. In zanimiv tudi. Najprej sem bil pri vizažistki vprašan, če sem pa jaz ženin te lepe neveste. 🙂 Potem so me, ker ne pijem kave, hoteli postreči kar s čokolešnikom. 🙂 Ko sva se potem z nevesto že v naglici odpravila k njej domov, sem na poti ob zožanju ceste z ogledalom udaril še v ogledalo vozila nasprotno vozeče gospe. Je rekla: “ježešmarija, sem mislila da bo šlo mim”. Pa ni šlo. No, potem se je vse skupaj vsaj malo umirilo in uredilo in poročni dan Marjane in Robije je minil b.p.. In bilo je res lepo. Vreme, lokacije (posestvo Pule so itak in, Vinski dvor Deu pa prav tako), družba, tako da nama z Ano ni bilo hudo…. Marjana in Robi, hvala za zaupanje. Želiva vama vse super v vašem življenju.

Yesterday it was a day full of suprises. And it was very interested too. At first when I was at the stylist I was asked if I am the groom of this beautiful bride. 🙂 Then, because I do not drink coffee, they wanted to serve me with “čokolešnik”. 🙂 When we went in a hurry to the brides house, I hit with my cars mirror to a mirror on a car of a lady, driving in oposite direction. She said: “Jesus Christ, I thought I will pass”. That has not happened. Well, then it all slowed down a bit and the wedding day of Marjana and Robi passed without any problems. And it was really nice. Weather, location (estate Pule is a paradise, Vinski dvor Deu also), so me and Ana were enyojing a lot …. Marjana and Robi, thanks for the trust. We wish you all great in your life.

