Poroka Tine in Matevža – Dvor Jezeršek

Ura je ena zjutraj in pred nekaj minutami sem se vrnil domov. Familija spi in takega miru v hiši sploh nisem več navajen. 🙂 In zunaj, kako čudno, spet dežuje. Deževalo je tudi včeraj, ko sem se okrog poldneva odpravil na poroko Tine in Matevža. In deževalo je cel dan. A kljub temu, da nam vreme res ni pomagalo oziroma olajšalo stvari, smo se imeli prav fajn. Mogoče je dobro, da so poročni dnevi včasih precej zahtevni ali pa že skoraj “mission imposible”. Ker če bi bili vsi bolj na easy, verjetno tega sploh nebi več počel. Ne bi bilo zanimivo, ne bi bilo adrenalina, tega vala navdušenja, ko nekako premagaš včasih precej nore ovire. Vse skupaj bi bilo enostavno brez veze. No, poroka od T&M je bila daleč od dolgčasa. Sproščen, družaben par, fajn svatje, lepe (deževne) lokacije , super glasba skupine “Jamm”… Skratka fajn zabava, med katero čas kar leti. Tina in Matevž, želim vama vse lepo in čim manj deževnih dni na drugem koncu sveta. 🙂

It is one o clock in the morning and I just got home. Family members are sleeping and I am really not used to such peace anymore. 🙂 And outside, how strange, it is raining again. It rained yesterday, when I went to the wedding of Tina and Matevž. And it rained all day. But despite the weather we had great time. Maybe it is nice that wedding days are sometimes quite difficult, or almost a “mission imposible”.  If they would be easy all the time, i would not photograph them anymore. It would not be interesting, no adrenaline, without wave of enthusiasm, when you somehow beat sometimes quite crazy obstacles. Well, the wedding of T & M was far away from beeing boring. Relaxed, sociable couple, nice guests, beautiful (rainy) location, great music from group “Jamm” … Tina and Matevž, I wish you all best in the future and as little rainy days as possible at the other end of the world. 🙂

