Skandinavija – Lofoten, Norveška

Zdaj vem, zakaj je otočje Lofoten tako visoko na spisku želja ljudi, ki potujejo po svetu. Je enostavno čarobno otočje, polno naravnih lepot, katerih se popolnoma zaveš šele, ko ga zapustiš. Meni se to dogaja sedaj, ob urejanju fotografij.

Otočje Lofoten leži v arktičnem krogu, na skrajno SZ predelu Norveške. Mi smo se najprej podali na otok Andøya. Fantastična pokrajina na zahodni obali otoka je zadosten razlog za obisk. A potem so tukaj še kiti glavači, ki se v poletnih mesecih zadržujejo v okoliški vodah. In turistične agencije, ki vodijo izlete, vam denar, v primeru, da kita ne vidite, 100% tudi vrnejo. Kita smo videli, no jaz sem imel več opravka z polnjenjem “Reisesykepose” kot pa z iskanjem kitov 🙂

Nekaj fotografij z otoka Andøya. 

Now I know why the Lofoten Islands are so high on the wish list of people who travel around the world. It is simply magical archipelago, full of natural beauty, that you are aware of when you leave the islands. Believe me,  this is happening now to me, when editing photos.

Lofoten archipelago lies in the Arctic Circle, on the extreme north-west part of Norway. We first went to the island Andøya. Fantastic scenery on the west coast is enough to visit it. But then there are sperm whales, which are wandering around during the summer months. And travel agencies, that organize tours to see whales promote, that in the case you do not see a whale, they give you 100% money back. We saw couple of whales that afternoon, but I was more busy with filling “Reisesykepose” than whit watching whales. 

Couple of photos from Andøya island.

Kasneje smo se podali na jug, na otok Vestvågøy in Moskenesøya. in kaj je tam? Verjetno najbolj severna lokacija za surfing, čarobne vasice in karibske plaže z napako (precej mrzlim morjem).

After that we went to the south of the Lofoten archipelago, to the islands of Vestvågøy in Moskenesøya. And what can you find there? Probably the coldest place for surfing, farytale villages and caribeean beaches with one mistake (water is very, very cold).

Ko smo videli že skoraj vse, je bil čas le še za hiter skok v vodo, vožnjo čez nekaj tunelov in mostov, nekaj neverjetnih razgledov in Lofoti so bili za nami.

When we saw almost everything, we had time just for a quick jump in the water, driving a few tunnels and bridges, and see some incredible views of Lofoten. And after that, cca. 4000km to Slovenia.

