Arhitekturna fotografija: naročnik “Rubner haus”

Že pred časom sem dobil klic iz podjetja “Rubner haus” za zimsko fotografiranje njihove čisto nove hiše v Sloveniji. Moja pričakovanja nad hišo so bila velika a so bila že ob prvem pogledu izpolnjena. Vrhunsko. Že od zunaj je bila hiša, ki je res lepo umeščena v prostor, nekaj posebnega. V notranjosti pa se je pokazala v še lepši luči. Dimenzije hiše, linije, svetloba, struktura lesa… Lepo. Še lepše pa bi bilo, če bi bila hiša moja 🙂

Couple of weeks ago I got a call from the company “Rubner Haus” for taking some winter photos of their brand new house in Slovenia. My expectations about the house were big, but I was satisfied from the first minute I saw it. From outside the house, which is a located in a really nice surrounding, is something special. But inside believe me, is event better. Dimensions, lines, light wood structure … Beautiful. But it would be even better if I would be the owner of the house. 🙂

