Durmitor in Pivsko jezero, Črna gora

Še zadnja objava o našem road tripu po Črni Gori. Ker nas je čas že konkretno preganjal, smo si na koncu poleg Durmitorja na hitro pogledali še sosednje Pivsko jezero. Panorame Durmitorja so bile nepozabne in verjamem, da se bomo v tiste konce še vrnili. Od Pivskega jezera nismo pričakovali praktično nič, na koncu pa dobili še fajn kopalno dogodivščino ter super kratko kajak avanturo med mogočnimi klifi kanjona. Črna Gora, še enkrat hvala za res dober dopust. 😉

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Its time for the last post about our road trip around Montenegro. Since we were a bit short on our time, we decided to see the final part of Durmitor together with a visit to Pivsko lake. The road to Pivsko lake was amazing and there were great vistas everywhere. We didn’t expect much from Pivsko Lake, but in the end we got a nice swimming adventure and a super short kayak trip among the mighty cliffs of the canyon. Montenegro, thank you again for a really good holiday. 😉

