Granada in Cordoba, Spain road trip
Že takoj po prihodu v kamp v Granadi nam je bilo jasno, da je glavna tema vseh pogovorov med turisti kako priti do vstopnice za eno izmed najlepših arhitekturnih stvaritev v Evropi – čarobno Alhambro. Že v vrsti na recepciji je turist iz Nemčije ogorčeno razlagal, da je v vrsti pred Alhambro stal že ob 8:30 zjutraj, čakal 3h in ostal praznih rok. V tistem trenutku sem Alhambro enostavno prečrtal – ker se ob 7h zjutraj nekako nisem videl v vrsti za še en “muzej”. Na srečo pa je bila želja moje boljše polovice tako velika, da je naslednje jutro sledilo vstajanje ob 6:30 uri, hitra vožnja do Alhambre, kje sva moški del ekipe pazila na vozilo – beri spala na toplem, šefica pa je čakala v vrsti. In to uspešno. 🙂 In sedaj, ko vem kaj Alhambra ponuja, čakam v vrsti brez problema tudi jaz. 🙂
Immediately after our arrival at the camping in Granada, it was clear that the main topic of conversations among tourists is how to get tickets for one of the most beautiful architectural creations in Europe – the magical Alhambra. There was one tourist from Germany at the reception that was angry explaining about his ticket adventure – starting to wait at 8:30 am., waited for 3 hours – for nothing. At that moment I crossed the Alhambra from our itinerary – because I could not see myself waiting at 7am for a ticket for one more museum. 🙂 Fortunately, my wife had different plans. The next morning we woke up at 6:30 am, took a quick ride to the Alhambra, where the male part of our family watched after the vehicle – slept in a warm place, while the boss was waiting in line. Successfully. 🙂 And now that I know what Alhambra offers, I would wait in line without a problem too. 🙂