Lago di Braies, Italija

Lago di Braies ali Pragser Wildsee je verjetno najbolj obiskano jezero južne Tirolske. Obiski v poletnih mesecih znajo biti prava norija in zaradi tega smo se na to res lepo jezero podali lepo med tednom. Po legendi sodeč se pod gladino jezera nahajajo velike količine zlata, ki so jih našli starodavni možje v sosednjih gorah. A ker so se možje bali, da jim bodo zlato ukradli, so odprli podzemni izvir vode, zalili zlato, s tem pa povzročili tudi nastanek tega idiličnega jezera s fantastično gorsko kuliso. A ker zlato tokrat ni bilo v našem planu, smo tisti večer in naslednje jutro uživali predvsem v res lepih turah, ki jih lahko naredite v okolici jezera in seveda vožnji z lokalnim čolničem, ki je skoraj “must do”. 🙂  🙂

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Lago di Braies or Pragser Wildsee is probably the most visited lake in southern Tyrol. Visits in the summer months can be because of the number of visitors a bit frustrating and because of that we decided to visit it during a week day. According to the legend, there are large quantities of gold hidden under the water of the lake. Local people found it in the mountains around it and because they were afraid somebody would stole it, they opened the underground stream, flood it and made this beautiful mountain lake. But because this time gold digging was not in our plan, we enjoyed that evening and the next morning in beautiful hikes around the lake and of course on the lake itself. Boating with those traditional boats is a must do. 🙂  🙂  

