Malo naokrog po Severni Irski, Severna Irska

Če smo do pred kratkim še nekako upravičeno metali Irsko in Severno Irsko v en koš, pa so se stvari po Brexitu malo spremenile. In glede na to, da Severna Irska ponuja nekaj res super lokacij, si definitivno zasluži samostojno objavo. 😉 Na Severnem Irskem smo bili skoraj teden dni in glede na videno bi Severno Irsko 100% priporočil za kakšen tedenski dopust ali pa npr. nekajdnevni oddih. Skupaj z Belfastom, do katerega se dobi letalsko karto že za nekaj 10 EUR in o katerem sem nekaj napisal že TUKAJ, pa je zadeva sploh zanimiva. 🙂 Po dobrih dveh tednih preživetih na Irskem, smo kljub neoznačeni meji praktično takoj ugotovili, da smo v “novih” krajih. Cene so bile višje, več je bilo parkov, parkirišč oziroma postajališč, stvari so bile že na prvi pogled bolj angleške. Ulicam mest in mestec je zavladal “fish and chips”. 🙂 A kljub temu, da smo imeli na razpolago le nekaj dni (če odštejem Belfast), pa smo tudi zaradi lepega vremena, lahko naredili dva res fantastična pohoda, poleg tega pa obiskali tudi tiste glavne atrakcije, ki na Severno Irsko tudi ali pa predvsem zaradi nanizanke “Game of thrones”, privabljajo nešteto turistov. Čisto na jugu Severne Irske, praktično na meji z južno sosedo, smo prvi dan naredili vrhunski pohod “Stairway to heaven”, do obronkov gore Culcaigh. Zadnji dan, pred vrnitvijo domov, pa smo občudovali gore Mourne oziroma fantastičen pohod do Slieve Loughshannagh. Irska in Severna Irska sta kar se tiče pohodnih tur pravi raj. Na severni obali Severne Irske najdemo lokacije, zaradi katerih to deželo obišče ogromno ljudi. Svetovno znani “Giants causeway” je pravo čudo narave. Drevored “Dark hedges”, ki jo do pred nekaj leti sameval med polji Severne Irske, pa je postal atrakcija predvsem in le zaradi nanizanke “Game of thrones”. In če se boste potikali v tistih koncih in boste iskali še kakšno posebno prenočišče, pa le en nasvet – upam, da si dobite prosto sobo v TEM nepozabnem B&B. Zaradi hiše in tudi lastnika je bila to le še pika na i našemu potepanju po Severni Irski.

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Till recently we put Ireland and Northern Ireland in the same box. But after Brexit things changed a little bit. 🙂 And because Northern Ireland has so many interesting places and things to see, it deserves independent post.  We’ve been in Northern Ireland for almost a week, and I would recommend Northern Ireland 100% for a week long holiday or maybe just a few days vacation. Together with Belfast (I wrote about the city HERE) its a perfect destination for a short holiday. 🙂 After spending good two weeks in Ireland, we found out almost immediately that we crossed the unmarked border. The prices are higher, there are more parks, parking spots on the way and you can see that english vibe – well, for sure you can see many fish and chips shops. 🙂 Even though we had only couple of days (if I exclude time in Belfast), we managed to really explore the area – also because of the great weather. In the south of Northern Ireland, practically on the border with Ireland, we did amazing “Stairway to heaven” hike to the Mount Culcaigh. On the last day, before returning home, we did another amazing hike to the Morune mountains and Slieve Loughshannagh. Ireland and Northern Ireland are truly a paradise for hikers. the most visited sites are on the northern coast of the Northern Ireland. The world-famous “Giants causeway” is a true marvel of nature. The “Dark hedges” became famous because of “Game of thrones” and because of that its overcrowded, especially during summer months. And if you’re traveling in those parts and looking for some special lodging, just one tip – I hope you get a free room in THIS unforgettable B&B. Because of the house and mostly because of the owner, it was just unforgettable.

