Methuselah – najstarejše drevo sveta, ZDA

7 let nazaj smo se potikali po ZDA in še danes se spomnim fantastičnih krajev, ki smo jih obiskali na poti. Zahodni del ZDA je res nekaj posebnega, saj premore ene izmed najlepših nacionalnih parkov našega planeta, k temu pa lahko dodamo še nekaj ikoničnih mest – npr. San Francisco. Če uživate v tistem pravem road tripu in kampiranju na unikatnih, nepozabnih krajih, je to definitivno destinacija za vaš naslednji trip.  No, v našem primeru se potovanje ni začelo kot smo si želeli. Le nekaj dni pred odhodom so se zaradi nesprejetja proračuna zaprli vsi nacionalni parki v državi in za prve dni je bilo potrebno najti alternativo. Po pregledu zemljevida smo se predvsem zato, ker so bile bele gore oz. White mountains na poti do mesta San Francisco, odločili, da se zapeljemo še tja. 🙂 In odločitev ni bila napačna. Cesta, ki se vije vse do 3000 metrov nadmorske višine, je ponujala nepozabne razglede na doline Kalifornije. In ko smo prišli skoraj do vrha, so se začela pojavljati še najstarejša drevesa na svetu, med katerimi kraljuje kar  4852 let staro drevo po imenu “Methuselah”. Gre za vrsto ščetinastega bora oz. “Great Basin bristlecone pine”. Pohajkovanje med temi mogočnimi drevesi je bilo res nekaj posebnega. Kot tudi spanje v avtu z nepozabnim razgledom na milijone zvezd v ozadju dreves. 😉

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7 years ago we did an amazing road in USA. The western part of the USA is really something special, as it has one of the most beautiful national parks on our planet, and some of the iconic places like San Francisco. If you like true road trip and camping on the way on some trully special places, then this is a place to go on the next trip. Well, in our case, the journey didn’t start the way we wanted. Just days before our departure, all national parks in the country closed due to the lockdown, and we had to find an alternative for the first few days. After reviewing the map, we decided to go to the White mountains that were on the way to the city of San Francisco. The road, that winds more than 9.000 feet up, offered unforgettable views of the California valleys. And when we reached the top, the oldest trees in the world began to appear. And one of them was also a 4852-year-old tree called “Methuselah”. Wandering among these mighty trees was really something special. As well as sleeping in the car with an unforgettable view of millions of stars in the background of trees. 😉

