Peričnik, Vošca in vmes

Pred dnevi smo res na hitro skočili na Gorenjsko. Za kakšno konkretno turo ni bilo časa, časa ni bilo niti, da bi počakali na najboljšo svetlobo ob koncu dneva. A vseeno se je splačalo. Najprej šprint do slapa Peričnik, potem pa še hitra hoja do idilične Vošce. Na žalost je bilo lepega še prehitro konec.

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A few days ago we found some time for a short quick trip to Gorenjska region. Unfortunatelly there was no time for longer trip and we also could not wait for golden hour. But it was still great. First we sprint to the Pericnik waterfall, after that it was time for a hike to Vosca. The weather was amazing and it was hard to leave amazing autumn landscape. 

