Popoldanski skok – Kladivo

Poletje je očitno za letos zaključeno. Vsaj tako pravijo vremenarji na radiih in brhka dekleta na komercialnih tv postajah. 🙂 Konec je vročinskih valov, tople bohinjske mlakuže, uživanja v toplih zvezdnatih večerih… In ko pomislim na meglo, dež in kratke dneve, ki nas čakajo – ena velika beda. Poletni meseci v naši družini so ponavadi precej divji. Ogromno fotografskih projektov, usklajevanj varstva najmlajšega, pa družinska pohajkovanja…. Skratka pestro. In ko sva se letos z Ano čisto nepričakovano znašla za dobrih 14 dni sama doma, prvih nekaja dni niti nisva vedela, kaj početi. 🙂 Časa je bilo kljub foto projektom in ogromnega dela za računalnikom še vedno dovolj za poležavanje in kakšen fajn izlet. Eden je bil prav gotovo na greben Košute, kjer so razgledi res neverjetni. In še sreča, da sva jo obiskala še pred objavo fotografa Jazbeca v znani svetovni reviji – ko to zagledajo kitajci in instagramarji, bo zadeva precej bolj obiskana. 🙂  🙂

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Summer has come to the end.  At least when I listen to the weatherman on radio and those ladies on commercial TV. 🙂 Its the end of  hot summer days, warm Bohinj lake, warm summer evenings… And when I think about next months, full of foggy, rainy days – boring. The summer months in our family are usually quite busy. Lots of photographic projects, coordinating where to leave our son, plenty of family trips around Slovenia and abroad…. And when this year me and Ana unexpectedly found ourselves alone (son was enjoying summer time at the sea coast), we didnt know at the beginning what to do with all that time. 🙂 Despite many photo projects and the huge work done on the computer, there was still enough time to chill out and take some great trips. One of them was to the Košuta ridge, where the views are spectacular. We where there alone but things will change maybe – especially when Chinese and other tourists see that article in famous world magazine about it from Slovenian photographer Jazbec. 

