Poroka Jutra in Matjaž – Gostilna Rakar

Še ena lepa sobota je za mano. In kljub temu, da je bilo na trenutke peklensko vroče, sta Jutra&Matjaž in ostali svatje poskrbeli, da mi ni manjkalo prav nič. 🙂 Najprej priprave doma, potem krajši session v stari Ljubljani, obred v Frančiškanski cerkvi na Prešernovem trgu, session na travniku v okolici Trebenj in potem zabava do jutra v gostilni Rakar. Že dolgo časa nisem fotkal v stari Ljubljani in moram priznati, da sem jo kar pogrešal. OK, lokacije so dobre tudi drugje, samo tisto, kar da piko na i celotnemu dogajanju so trume turistov, ki te oblegajo na vsakem koraku. Najprej smo bili na udaru polne ladjice turistov, potem je bila na vrsti gruča tujih motoristov, ki so vsi v usnju razneženo opazovali naš par. Da ne govorim o italijanih, ki te tako ali tako ustavljajo in fotografirajo na vsakem koraku. Japoncev pa v soboto žal ni bilo. 🙂 J&M, uživajta na vajini skupni poti. Sploh pa se ne pustita motiti na vajini naslednji tropski destinaciji. 🙂

Another beautiful Saturday for me. And despite the fact that it was horrible hot all day, Jutra&Matjaž and other wedding guests made the day simple. 🙂 First there were preparations at home, then a short photo session in the old part of Ljubljana, then wedding ceremony in the Franciscan church at Prešeren square, then another session around Trebnje and then party until dawn at the Rakar restaurant. I was not photographing in the old part of Ljubljana for a long time now and I must admit that I missed it. OK, the locations are good everywhere, but in Ljubljana you have hundreds of tourist that stops you on every corner – to photograph the couple or wish them good luck.  At first we were under attack of a boat full of tourists, then there was a group of foreign motorcyclists, all in leather, almost crying when they saw our couple. Not to mention the Italians that stops and photograph you on every step.  The Japanese unfortunately we missed this time. 🙂 J & M, all the best in your future. And enjoy as much as possible on your next tropical destination. 🙂

