Poročna fotoknjiga

Če sem sam “gor rasel” še v času albumov in ostalih dinozavrov, je sedaj govora le še o poročnih fotoknjigah. 🙂 Na trgu je ogromno ponudnikov in sprobala sva jih kar nekaj. In če za domače fotoprojekte – beri potovanja uporabljamo blurb.com, pri porokah že nekaj let koristiva usluge podjetja Graphistudio. Ni poceni, a kvaliteta zmaga. 🙂 Pari izberejo kar želijo, idej oziroma možnosti je ogromno in nekateri si res dajo duška – škoda le, da dostikrat pozabiva narediti fotko ali dve, preden gre knjiga v novi dom. 🙂

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Couple of years ago (maybe 10 and more 🙂 ) photo albums were still in, but in recent years photo books conquered the world. 🙂 You can find many different brands on the web and we tried many of them. For personal use we still use blurb.com but for serious projects, especially weddings we use Graphistudio now for years. They are not cheap, but quality is top notch. They have so many different options, materials and wedding couples can really choose what they want. But unfortunately we usually forget to take a photo or two of the new book before it leaves our home. 🙁

