Poroka Ane in Jureta – Grad Tuštanj

Včeraj je bila spet “delovna” sobota. No, težko jim rečem “delovna”, če pri tem uživam in se nasploh zabavam – še posebej pa niso delovne, če te obkrožajo ljudje, ki jih že poznaš. In tako je bilo včeraj. Bil je res lep, s čustvi nabit dan, za katerega sta “kriva” A&J. 🙂 Če pomislim na vse izrečene besede med obredi, pa poglede, ki povedo vse – lepo. Priznati moram, da sta bila oba obreda, predvsem pa cerkveni obred v cerkvici v Grobljah pri Domžalah, enostavno fantastična.  In res redko se zgodi, da se me med obredi izrečene besede dotaknejo tako, kot so se me včeraj (no, jokal nisem :)). Ana in Jure, vama pa želim vse lepo v vajinem skupnem življenju.

Yesterday it was “working” Saturday. Well, its hard to say “working”, when you are having great time – but its not work, when you are surrounded by people you already know. And so it was yesterday. It was a really nice day, full of emotions. And if I think of the words spoken during the ceremonies, I must say – beautifull. I have to admit that the two ceremonies, especially the one in the church in Groblje near Domžale were simply fantastic. And I must say that it happens really rare, that I am touched by the words spoken during the ceremony. Ana and Jure, I wish you all the best in your future life.

