Poroka Ane in Urbana – Terasa Mystica Portorož

Napisano v nedeljo ob 3 zjutraj: Ura je 2:30 zjutraj (nedelja) in zaradi red bulla, ki sem ga spil tik pred odhodom s poroke Ane in Urbana, kot zombi še vedno tavam po stanovanju. In ni ga boljšega, kot čepeti za računalnikom, delati kopije fotografij in čakati, da tudi rdečega bika enkrat zmanjka. 🙂 Če smo z A&U pred cca. 560 urami še skakali po Lj in delali zaročne fotke, smo pred 13 urami začeli s poročno zgodbo. Vse skupaj se je spet odvijalo na primorskem (letošnji september sem zaradi porok več na primorskem kot pa doma) – v Portorožu, ki je bil kljub našim vremenarjem in njihovim slabim prognozam lep, sončen, na trenutne že malo prevroč. Obred se je odvijal na terasi Mystica, za session sta si izbrala Piran, zabava pa je, oz. še vedno poteka v Portorožu. In moram reči, da je bila poroka A&U prava poroka za zaključek letošnje sezone – OK, novembra me čaka še poroka v tujini, a tista sodi v drugi predal. Sproščen par, poln norih zamisli, zabavni priči, dobra hrana in pijača, dober žur ob spremljavi dobrega DJ-ja. Skratka, spet ena dolgočasna, mukotrpna poroka. :):) A&U, veliko lepega vama želim na vajini skupni poti. In da bi čim bolj uživala naslednje dni malo bolj južneje. Rdeči bik gre očitno tudi spat. 🙂

Written on Sunday at 3 in the morning: It’s 2:30 in the morning (Sunday) and the Red Bull, which I drank just before leaving the wedding of Ana and Urban, makes me still wandering around the house like a zombie. And there is nothing better than to sit in front of a computer, make copies of the photos and wait for the red bull to pass out. 🙂 If we were making engagement photos with A & U approx. 560 hours ago, we started with wedding story just 13 hours ago. Everything was again organized at the seaside (this September I was more on the slovenian coast than at home) – in Portorož – the weather forecast was horrible but it was again sunny, maybe even a little too hot. The ceremony was held on the terrace Mystica, for the photo session they chose Piran, and the wedding party was again in Portorož. And I have to say that the wedding of A & U was a great way to finish this years wedding season – OK, I still have one in November abroad, but that’s different. And again relaxed couple, full of crazy ideas, good food and drink, great party, accompanied by a good DJ… In short, another boring wedding day. 🙂 🙂 A & U, I wish you as many amazing moments as possible in the future. And enjoy your holidays couple of thousands of kilometers to the south. Yes, Red Bull is evidently also going to sleep. 🙂

