Poroka Anja in Janez – Brdo pri Kranju, Marinšek

Sezona porok je v polnem zagonu in zadnje dni večino časa preživim za računalnikom, ob izbiranju in urejanju fotografij. In ponavadi komaj čakam poročno soboto, ko vsaj za dan zbežim od računalnika in uživam v dobri družbi, lepih lokacijah in vse kar paše zraven. Zadnja sobota je bila sobota Anje in Janeza, ki sem ju prvič srečal na poroki Ane in Jureta. Že takrat sta večino večera preživela na plesišču, v soboto pa ni bilo nič drugače. 🙂 Civilni obred je potekal v Preddvoru, cerkveni v cerkvi nedaleč stran, zabava pa v gostišču Marinšek v Naklem. Za session sta si izbrala kar mestno knjižnico Kranj in moram reči, da je bila lokacija kar izziv. Anja in Janez, hvala za dobro družbo. In hvala tebi Anja za najin zadnji ples. 🙂

Wedding season is in full swing and the last few days I am spending most of the time at the computer, selecting and editing photos. And usually I am really waiting for Saturdays weddings, when I  run away from the computer at least for a day and enjoy good company, good locations… Last Saturday was a wedding day of Anja and Janez, whom I first met at the wedding of Ana and Jure. At the wedding last year they spent most of the evening dancing on the dance floor and there was no difference on their day. 🙂 The civil ceremony took place in Preddvor, a church ceremony in a church not far away and the party in restaurant Marinšek in Naklo. For the photo session they chose public library in Kranj and I must say that the location was quite a challenge. Anja and Janez, thanks for the good company. And Anja thank you for our last dance. 🙂

