Poroka Manja in Igor – Posestvo Pule

Večina parov me že na spoznavnem srečanju vpraša, kako je pa s poziranjem pri poročnem fotografiranju, sploh pa pri zloglasnem “photo sessionu”, ki ponavadi sledi poročnemu obredu. No, Manja in Igor definitivno ne spadata med njih, saj sta mi že na začetku dala vedeti, da poziranja v soboto ne bo – kaj šele kakšnega spogledovanja s fotoaparatom. 🙂 Njuna želja je bila, da čim bolje ujamem zanimive trenutke, tudi takrat, ko bomo sami in bo “treba” narediti kakšno malo bolj poročno fotko. Dan se je tako začel s pripravami na posestvu Pule, nadaljeval s cerkvenim obredom na Žalostni gori in zabavo na Posestvu Pule. In zanimivih trenutkov ni manjkalo. Že Manja in Igor sta poskrbela, da mi ni bilo dolgčas. Potem pa so bili tu še razposajeni svatje in dobra glasba s strani skupine Jamm – skratka spet ena zanimiva sobota.:) Manja in Igor, želim vama “all the best”. 🙂

On our first meeting most couples usually ask me about the notorious photo session – do we have to do that, is there a lot of posing… Well, Manja and Igor definitely do not belong to them, because on the very beginning they made ​​it clear that there will be no posing on their Saturday – not to mention flirting with the camera. 🙂 The day began with preparations on the Pule Estate, continued with the church ceremony at the church on Žalostna gora, and the party was held at the Pule Estate. And I must say that there were plenty of really interesting moments. Manja and Igor made ​​sure that I was not bored, then there were wedding guests in a party mood, good music by a group Jamm – in short, again another interesting Saturday. 🙂 Manja and Igor, I wish you “all the best”. 🙂   

