Poroka Martine in Roka – Posestvo Santomas


Najlepši izraz, ki ga najdem za prejšnjo soboto je, da je bilo vreme precej turbolento. 🙂 In nič kaj junijsko, sploh če pomislim na večerne temperature in količino vlage vsepovsod. A kljub temu in mogoče tudi ravno zaradi tega je bil poročni dan M&R nekaj posebnega. Priprave so potekale v Kopru, cerkveni obred ob spremljavi precej glasnega grmenja v cerkvi Sv. Jurija v Piranu, civilni obred in zabava pa sta se odvijali na posestvu Santomas pri Šmarjah. Skratka, M&R all the best. In uživajta 100% tam nekje na toplem. 🙂


Last Saturday the weather was not really friendly – I can say it was a bit turbulent. 🙂 It was windy, cold in the evening and it was wet everywhere. True summer time. 🙂 But even though the wedding day of M&R was something special – maybe also because of that. 🙂 Preparations took place in Koper, church ceremony was in Piran, accompanied by loud thunders and the civil ceremony and party at the Santomas vineyard estate in Šmarje. Well M&R we wish you all the best. And enjoy 100% somewhere in a tropical destination. 🙂



