Vedno mi je lepo na potovanjih občudovati čarobne puščave, nedostopne gore, zanimive morske obale, neprehoden tropski gozd. Ali pa npr. divje živali, ki jih imaš možnost opazovati vsepovsod. A ko sem na koncu različnih popotovanj potegnil črto, so bili vedno ljudje tisti, ki so name naredili največji vtis. In Namibija ni bila pri tem nobena izjema. Kljub vsem naravnim lepotam in fantastičnemu živalskemu svetu, so ljudje tisti, ki so nam podarili nreprecenljive spomine na naše prvo družinsko potovanje po afriški celini. Puros, zaprašena in vroča vasica na severu države, je bila točka, kjer smo prvič skupaj pokukali v pristni svet afriških ljudi. Vedno sem imel željo, da bi nekoč pokazal sinu svet, pokazal, kako živijo ljudje, kaj delajo, jejo… Vaška šola, ki smo jo obiskali ob prihodu, je bila le priprava na čim manj šokanten prehod na prava afriška plemena.
Vedno, ko gledam fotografije in video posnetke našega obiska šole, mi takoj pade v oči Jaka, po eni strani prestrašen, šokiran, po drugi zvedav. Kako opazuje te bose, napol slečene otroke, ki pojejo v en glas, kako plešejo… Neprecenljivo.
Obisku šole je sledil še obisk prve “prave” vasice Himb nedaleč od Purosa. Vasica je bila sicer le uvertura v naše pravo raziskovanje popolnoma neturističnih vasi prvobitnih afriških plemen. A že spomini iz te vasi so nepozabni..
It’s always great to travel around and admire magical desert, interesting seasides, inaccessible mountains, tropical forest. Or for example wild animals, that surround you everywhere. But when I finally draw a line under different journeys, there were always the people who have made the biggest impression on me. And Namibia is no exception. Despite all the natural beauty and fantastic animals people gave us memories that we will never forget. Puros, a hot and dusty village in the northern part of the country, was the first place where we took a quick look for the first time in an authentic world of the African people. I always had the desire to show once to my son the world that surround us. To show him people, different cultures, how do they live, what do they eat. The village school that we visited upon our arrival, was just a preparation for a little shocking transition to real African tribes. And whenever I watch photos and videos from our visit to the school, I immediately see Jaka, standing there, shocked in one way and curious in another. How he observed these barefoot children who were singing and dancing for him, infront of him. Priceless. After the school we visited the first “real” Himba village not far from Puros. The village is frequnetly visited by tourists but it was still a great way to meet for the first time himba people and prepare ourselfs for the true, unforgettable experience that followed.