Skandinavija – Oslo, Norveška

O Oslu težko napišem kaj pametnega, sploh ker je bil le krajši postanek na naši poti proti jugu Norveške. Zapomnil si ga bom le po dveh stvareh. Prva je res fantastična, moderna operna hiša, ki je edinstvena tudi po tem, da lako hodiš po strehi opere same. Osebno sem prav nor na moderno arhitekturo in operna hiša je bila pravi raj za fotografsko eksperimentiranje. Druga stvar pa so spomini na iskanje parkirnega prostora. Z strešnim kovčkom na vrhu Berlingota je bilo nemogoče najti prostor tako v prenizkih garažnih hišah kot tudi zunaj, ob cesti. In na koncu, za piko na i, mi je parkirno mesto ponujal še mestni redar – indijec po rodu, ki me je skušal z svojo indijsko angleščino na vsak način prepričati, da lahko parkiram berlingota kar na bližnjem parkirnem prostoru, ki pa je bil dolg le max 1,5 metra, avto pa je na vsaki strani štrlel cca. 1m čez prazen prostor. Ker je najedal in najedal, da se seveda da, sem na koncu popustil in mu pokazal, da pač ne gre, da je avto prevelik. On pa je z nasmeškom, v angleščini z indijskim naglasom odgovoril: “It is possible mister, no problem but you dont know how to drive and park your car”!!?? 🙂

Its difficult to write something special about Oslo, especially since it was only a short stop on our way to southern Norway. I remember it only for two things. The first one is really fantastic, modern Opera House, which is unique in that you can walk on the roof of the opera itself. Personally, I am crazy about modern architecture and opera house was a paradise for photographic experimentation. And the second thing are the memories about finding a parking space in the city center. It was impossible to find a place with the roof box on top of Berlingo – in parking garages as well as outside, on the road. And at the end of this search we met city traffic warden – Indian by birth, who has trying to convince me, that I can park our car in nearby parking area, which was long only max 1.5 meters and the car was longer on both ends for more than 1 meter. Because he was so persistant I finally showed him (traying to park the car) that the car is just too long. But he just answered in his English with an Indian accent:  “It is possible mister, no problem but you dont know how to drive and park your car”!? 🙂

