Škotska – vsi letni časi ob ruševinah Ardvreck


Kljub vsem satelitom in ostali moderni “šari” je vreme na Škotskem zgodba zase. In isto velja tudi za njene sosede. Spreminja se praktično iz minute v minuto, vremenske prognoze, ki jih lahko spremljaš na vseh mogočih portalih, pa ti lahko služijo le za osebno zabavo. 🙂 Vse te ugotovitve še kako veljajo za njeno severozahodno obalo, kjer lahko v nekaj minutah doživiš vse letne čase, ki jih ta svet premore. In nekaj takega smo v okolici razvalin Ardvreck doživeli tudi mi.  Najprej nas je obsijalo jutranje sonce, čez kakšno minuto so od nikoder prišli še precej temni oblaki. Potem pa sonce, pa dež, pa skoraj orkanski veter, pa spet dež – skratka čista uživancija. 🙂 Pot do skrajnega severa oziroma mesteca Durness je tako minila v neki non stop se spreminjajoči se vremenski mešanici, s katero smo se le stežka sprijaznili. Karibske plaže, ki kraljujejo v tistih koncih, smo tako opazovali le skozi mokra in zarošena avtomobilska stekla – s skodelico toplega čaja v roki in dobrim domačim pecivom. 🙂

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Despite all the satellites over our heads and all other modern technology, the weather in Scotland is still a story for itself. It changes almost every minute and you can use all that weather forecasts on internet usually just for your personal entertainment. 🙂 And the northwestern coast of the Scotland wins in all weather categories. When we were traveling around Ardvreck castle, it was like we are in a fairytale. First it was a clear blue morning sky and perfect sunshine. Then dark clouds arrived from nowhere, followed by strong wind and then rain. After couple of minutes the sun started to shine again but just for couple of minutes. 🙂 And weather was changing like this all day long. The area around small town Durness is famous because of Caribbean like sea coast and amazing landscape. But because of the weather we watched the scenery just through the wet car windows – with a cup of hot tea in hand and good homemade cakes.

