Toskana – Val d’Orcia

Zadnji del našega potepanja po Toskani smo preživeli v meni najlepšem delu Toskane – Val dOrcia. Za bazni tabor smo si že drugo leto zapored zaradi lege same in možnosti kampiranja izbrali kmečki turizem “Podere il Casale”. Ne vem, kaj naj sploh še napišem. Naj fotografije povedo ostalo. Jaz tam tako ali tako ostanem vedno brez besed.

The last part of our excursions in the Tuscany we spent in the most beautiful part of Tuscany – Val dOrcia. We stayed at the beautiful agriturismo Podere il Casale – the location is amazing but the best thing is that you can camp on it. I dont know what else to write. Let the photos tell the rest.

