Trenta v jesenski preobleki, Slovenija

Že kar nekaj dni nazaj, še v času idiličnih jesenskih barv, me je delo v okviru nekega projekta zapeljalo v dolino reke Soče. Prvič sem bil v tistih koncih jeseni in priznam, da ni slabo. 🙂 Prizori so bili res idilični. Spotoma se se celo lahko ustavil tudi na parih fotogeničnih točkah, ki jih poznam še iz časov poročne fotografije. 🙂 Upam, da se tisti časi kmalu spet vrnejo. 😉

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A few days ago, during the idyllic autumn colors, I had a chance to visit Soča river valley during work for a project. It was a first time for me to be in the valley in autumn time and I must say that its not bad at all. 🙂 During the day I managed to find some time for visiting some special places, that remember me of wedding photography. 🙂 I hope those times come back again soon. 😉

