USA road trip – Las Vegas

Las Vegas, mesto užitkov, pregreh, divjih zabav, norih iger na srečo, najboljših showov na svetu… No, vsaj pravijo tako. Ker če ga obiščeš družinsko, omenjene stvari niso ravno v programu. 🙂 Hitro dobiš občutek, da ga lahko v polnem “sijaju” doživiš le, če imaš vsaj nekaj šopov denarja tudi v svojem žepu. Brez tega ga lahko po večernem sprehodu naslednji dan b.p.  hitro zapustiš.

Las Vegas, sin city, city of wild parties, crazy gambling, city of the best shows in the world. Well at least they say so. Because, if you are visiting it with your family, those things are not exactly in the program. 🙂 You quickly get the feeling, that you need a pocket full of money to really experience it. Without it, you can easily leave it after the evening walk on the Strip. 

Puščava Mojave, na poti do Las Vegasa.

Mojave desert – on the way to Las Vegas.

Hotel Circus Circus, soba 25 USD (raje kampiram sredi puščave) in razgled iz sobe.

Hotel Circus Circus, 25 USD for the room (I rather camp in the desert) and the view from the room.

Nekaj zanimivih zgradb.

Some interesting buildings around Vegas.

Bellagio fontana na željo sina – tretjič.

Bellagio fountains third time – on my sons wish. 🙂

Zadnje “nažiranje” v Chipotlu.

Eating like crazy at Chipotle.


