Portrait marathon

Če je bilo prvo leto fotografiranje udeležencev Slikarske šole Blaža Slaparja zaradi števila udeležencev še precej enostavno, je bilo letos zaradi števila le teh res naporno. Ni ravno enostavno fotografirati 120 ljudi v enem dnevu, mlade in malce starejše :), ljudi, ki se najraje sploh ne bi fotografirali in ljudi, ki pričakujejo čisti fotografski presežek – za dosego katerega pa imaš na razpolago le minuto ali dve.  Celotna ideja glede scene je vedno v domeni mojstra Blaža :), na meni je le, da 120x pritisnem na sprožilec. 🙂 Spodaj dve fotografiji umetnic in fotka mojih pomočnikov.

When I was asked to take photos of the participants of the Blaž Slapar painting school couple of years ago, it was a “small”, easy project, with not so many participants. But this year the story was completely different. It’s not easy to photograph 120 people in one day, some of them not really in the mood of being photographed and some of them expecting top photos – but you have just a minute or two to achieve that. The whole idea about the scene is in the domain of master Blaž :), I am just there to pull the trigger 120x. 🙂 Bellow 2 photos of artists and one of my assistant team. 🙂

