Mentawai – petelinji ravsi, lov na ptiče in džungla, Sumatra, Indonezija

_X3A9120Šele v zgodnjih jutranjih urah sem se počasi ob zvokih eksotičnih gibonov v daljavi ter pujsov in petelinov v neposredni bližini zavedal, kje sem. Geografsko sploh ne tako daleč a težko bi bilo bolj divje in drugačno kot pa v sosednjem milijonskem mestu Padang nedaleč stran. Vikendi na Siberutu so vedno nekaj posebnega. Kot nekakšni prazniki. Stare starše globoko v džungli obiščejo otroci z družinami in tropski gozd je zaradi otroške igre in energije še posebej živ. Takoj po zajtrku je bilo najprej na programu lovljenje ptičev (cvet nataknejo na palico, ki jo namažejo z naravnim lepilom s sosednjega drevesa – ptič tako prileti na vejo in tam zaradi lepila tudi ostane), sledili so petelinji boji. Po kosilu in kratkem lenarjenju je sledilo lovljenje rib s šamanovo ženo in nepozabno pohajkovanje s samim šamanom po divjih poteh tropskega gozda. Ur, preživetih z njim, ne bom nikoli pozabil.

It was early in the morning and as I was listening to the voices of the gibbons far in the distance and sounds of pigs and roosters nearby I finally realized where exactly am I. Geographically really not so far from the town of Padang but still in completely different world. Weekends on Siberut island are always something special. As a kind of holidays. Families with kids visit their grandparents deep in the jungle and in those 2 days the tropical forest becomes full of joy and that special kids energy.  Immediately after breakfast I was watching kids catching wild birds (they put flower on a stick, which is rubbed with a natural glue from a neighboring tree – bird lands on a branch and stay there because of the glue). Then it was time for some rooster fights. After lunch I went to catch some fish with shaman wife in the river nearby and at the end of the day it was time to explore the jungle with the shaman itself. And those hours were really something special. Probably I will never forget it._X3A8089_X3A8110_X3A8085_X3A8075_X3A8415_X3A8442_X3A8445_X3A8936_X3A8846_X3A8996_X3A8789_X3A8510_X3A8463_X3A8318_X3A8209_X3A9158_X3A9237_X3A9429 _X3A9358

