Poroka Barbara in Andrej – Nova Štifta

Hm? Kako naj napišem, da se ne bom spet ponavljal. OK. Lep jesenski dan, poroka na prostem, dobra svetloba, nora žurka že pred torto (kaj je bilo šele po njej 🙂 )… – vsemu temu in še več sem bil priča to soboto na poroki Barbare in Andreja. In glej, spet sem imel opravka z dvojčki :). Po soboti se spet sprašujem ali je v Sloveniji enostavno veliko dvojčkov ali pa imam le srečo, da sem jih kar nekaj do sedaj fotografiral jaz. Te poroke so noro dobre, sploh, ko zamešaš ženina in pričo ali pa obe nevesti, kar se mi je zgodilo pred mislim da že dvema letoma. 🙂 Torej, spet ena lepa delovna sobota. Barbara in Andrej, all the best!!! 🙂

Hm? How should I write that I will not repeat myself again. OK. A beautiful autumn day, outdoor wedding, good light, crazy party before the cake (what was after it :)) … – All this and much more I have witnessed this Saturday at the wedding of Barbara and Andrej. And again I had to deal with the twins :). After Saturday I wonder again whether there is so many twins in Slovenia or have I only been so lucky to have photographed couple of them so far. These weddings are really great, especially when you  mix up a groom and best man or two brides, what has happened to me I think 2 years ago. 🙂 So, again one beautiful working Saturday. Barbara and Andrej, all the best! 🙂

