Tea in Matija – poroka grad Kromberk

S T&M in njunima hčerkama smo se prvič srečali na zaročnem fotografiranju, ki smo ga na njuno željo izvedli v italijanskem Portopiccolu. Fotografiranje, na katerem ni manjkalo pozitivne energije in sproščenosti je izpadlo super in tistih nekaj skupnih preživetih ur je minilo ekspresno hitro. In na poročni dan nekaj mesecev kasneje ni bilo nič drugače. Kljub popoldanskim grozečim nevihtnim oblakom na nebu, ki bi lahko vplivali na izvedbo obreda in zabave na prostem, sta T&M pogumno tvegala in za nagrado dobila idilično poroko pod toplim zvezdnim nebom v senci gradu Kromberk. T&M, uživajta tam doli na toplem. 😉 Vse lepo vama in vajini simpatični družinici. In upam, da se naše poti še kdaj križajo. 😉

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I first met T & M and their daughters when we took engagement photos in Italian Portopiccolo. We had a great time then, session was full of energy and positive vibes and I knew, that it will be the same on their wedding day. Despite the afternoon stormy clouds on the sky on D day, that could ruin outdoor wedding ceremony and party, T&M  bravely risked and for the award got an idyllic wedding under the warm summer sky in the shade of the Kromberk Castle. T & M, enjoy 100% on those tiny dots in Indian Ocean. We wish all the best to you and your cute family. And I hope our paths will cross again. 😉

