Poroka Petre in Anžeta – Dvor Jezeršek


Za nama je očitno zadnji poročni vikend letos. In za piko na i podaljšan. V petek je bila tako na vrsti poroka Petre in Anžeta v Ljubljani in na Dvoru Jezeršek na Brniku, v soboto pa naju je pot vodila še enkrat v griče nad slovenskim primorjem. A to je že druga zgodba. In če bi lahko, bi težko splanirala boljši vikend za finale. P&A sva spoznala že pred leti, ko sva fotografirala poroki njunih prijateljev, A&D in M&J. In ko me je pred meseci poklicala Petra in povedala, kaj sledi konec septembra, sem vedel, da bo to še en poročni dan presežkov. Priprave so potekale v Dvoru Jezeršek, res lep in težko bolj oseben poročni obred pa pod taktirko župana Jankoviča v mestnem Muzeju v Ljubljani. Priznam, podobni obredi kot ta, ko čustva kar vrejo iz parov in svatov so enostavno nepozabni. Sledilo je hitro fotkanje po ulicah Ljubljane, potem pa zopet nazaj na Zgornji Brnik, kjer je potekala še zabava. Zopet z veliko začetnico, tokrat z glavnim mojstrom Samuel Lucasom. Skratka, Petra in Anže, želiva vama skupno življenje polno energije in emocij, kot sva jih  imela priča opazovati na vajin poročni dan. 😉


Last weekend was the last wedding weekend for us this year. And what a weekend it was. On Friday we were photographing wedding day of Petra and Anže in Ljubljana and Brnik and on Saturday we went once more to the hills above slovenian sea coast. But that’s another story. We met P & A years ago, when we were photographing their friends weddings A & D and M & J. And when I got a phone call couple of months ago, I knew that its going to be another special wedding day. Preparations were held at Dvor Jezeršek and really emotinal and personal ceremony at City museum in Ljubljana. I have to admit that ceremonies like this, so emotional and personal are always something special and unforgettable. After the ceremony we had a quick photo session in Ljubljana and then it was time for the party, again at Dvor Jezeršek in Zgornji Brnik.  Again it was an amazing party, this time with Samuel Lucas on the stage. In short, Petra and Anže, we wish you a life full of energy and emotions, like we witnessed on your Friday wedding day.


