Afriški supermarket med Bušmani, Namibija


Popotniki smo si precej različni. In prav je tako. Če nekatere navdušujejo fantastične pokrajine, urbana okolja, živalski svet, ki nas obdaja, pa si jaz težko predstavljam nepozabno potovanje brez tiste prave, pristne interakcije z lokalnimi ljudmi. V Namibiji je bilo tovrstnih srečanj kar nekaj in ure, preživete s predstavniki plemena San, se bile enostavno nepozabne. Bušmani so mojstri preživetja in sožitja z naravo. Pravi užitek je bilo poslušati njihovo petje in plesanje ob tabornem ognju, jih spremljati pri njihovem nakupovanju v lokalni trgovini (beri afriškem “bushu”), jih opazovati pri izdelavi puščic in lovskih lokov, se preprosto pogovarjati o svetu, v katerem živijo. Kljub temu, da živali nismo videli, so nam dali jasno vedeti, da je strupenih kač polno tudi tam, kjer smo kampirali mi (“yes, black mambas, green mambas everywhere”), da jim največ preglavic delajo sloni in leopardi in da morajo včasih ustreljeno žival zasledovati še nekaj dni, preden jo strup na puščici tudi dokončno ubije. Ja, svet bi bil težko še bolj drugačen. 🙂

People are different and so are travelers. Thankfully. 🙂 Some travelers enjoy in fantastic landscapes, urban environment, some in wildlife that surrounds us. But for me it is difficult to imagine unforgettable trip without authentic interaction with local people. In Namibia we have the opportunity to interact with the locals on several occasions and time spent with the people of the San tribe was simply unforgettable. San people are masters of survival in this unforgiving Kalahari desert. It was an amazing experience to watch them singing and dancing around campfire, shopping wth them in a true african grocery store (read African “bush”), watching hunters manufacturing arrows and bow and just talk with them about world, that they are living in. We didn’t see any animals but they made us clear that there are many snakes, also around our campsite (“Yes, black mambas, green mambas everywhere”). They told us, that leopards and elephants are the most dangerous animals for them. And when they hunt, sometimes they have to follow the animal for days, before it dies because of the poison on the arrow. Yes, our life is a bit different from theirs. 🙂


