Ales stenar, otok Öland in malo naokrog (Švedska)

Ales stenar in Öland sta bili naši prvi pravi destinaciji na Švedskem. In če pogledam nazaj mi je žal, da nismo tam ostali kakšen dan ali dva več. Ko sem doma delal zaključne plane za našo pot na sever Evrope, sem že takoj ob prebiranju potopisov opazil, da večina slovencev dobesedno leti proti severu oziroma natančneje Nordkapu. Le redko zavijejo levo ali desno, lokacije med samimi potopisi pa se niso bistveno razlikovale. No, bile so redke izjeme. Ales stenar in Öland nista bila na teh spiskih in po našem obisku le teh mi je še toliko težje razumeti to noro dolgo vožnjo do Nordkapa, na poti pa spustiš bistvo prave skandinavija. Nordkap, “najsevernejša točka” celinske Evrope je le turistični magnet, “zabavišči park”, kjer te olupijo za nekaj eurov. A to je le moje skromno mnenje.

Sama JV Švedska je zame pravi biser. Fantastična pokrajina, prekrasna jezera in morska obala, lepa mesteca in barvite vasice, bogata zgodovina… Skratka vse kar potrebuješ za dober dopust. Ales stenar je arheološko najdišče, pravi magnet za domačine. In moram reči, da je tam gor res nekaj posebnega. Ob našem obisku se je vreme menjalo iz minute v minuto in zvečer, ko sem se po močnem neurju vrnil nazaj, je bil Ales stenar samo moj – no, malce stran sta bila tam še dva domača zaljubljenca. Pot nas je potem vodila počasi proti severu, mimo tisočerih jezer in pozabljenih vasic vse do otoka Öland. In Öland je po mojem mnenju Švedska v malem. Dolg malo več kot 130 kilometrov ponuja vse kar si turist zaželi. Poleg vsega zgoraj naštetega so bili tam še gozdovi polni borovnic in pa številne, nepozabne lokacije za divje kampiranje.

Ales stenar and Öland were our first real destination in Sweden. And if I look back I am sorry that we did not stay there a day or two more. When I was at home doing the final plans for our journey to the north of Europe, I soon noticed that mostly the people are literally flying towards the north or more precisely to the Nordkapp. They rarely turn left or right and their locations on the way to the north were almost the same. And yes, there were rare exceptions. Ales stenar and Öland were not among this locations and after our visit it is even more difficult to understand crazy long ride to Nordkap and not stopping on really remarking locations on the way there. Nordkap, “the northernmost point” of continental Europe is only a tourist magnet, “entertainment park”, where they peel you for a few euros. But this is just my humble opinion.

SE Sweden itself is a gem for me. Fantastic scenery, beautiful lakes and sea coast, beautiful towns and colorful villages, rich history … In short everything you need for a good holiday. Ales stenar is an archaeological site, a magnet for locals. And I must say, that up there is really something special. During our visit, the weather changed from minute to minute and at night, when I returned after a strong storm back, it was only me and the rocks – well, a little away there were two lovers fully occupied. 🙂 After that we went slowly to the north, past the thousands of lakes and forgotten villages and then stopped on the  island of Öland. Öland is in my opinion Sweden in miniature. Long little more than 130 kilometers offers everything a tourist wants. In addition to all the above, there were still forests full of blueberries and numerous, unforgettable location for wild camping.

