Blišč in beda Indije

Težko opišem oziroma ne najdem pravih besed, s katerimi bi lahko opisal dogajanje na drugi strani sten naše res simpatične sobice v Jaipurju, prestolnici Rajasthana. Indija je res nekaj posebnega in toliko kontrastov, kot jih doživiš tukaj v le nekaj urah – noro. J Če so nas po eni strani zasvojile fantastične žive barve, mogočni templji, pravljične utrdbe, okusna hrana, smo po drugi strani šokirani nad bedo, umazanijo, hrupom in neverjetno gnečo vsepovsod. In to kljub temu, da smo vedeli, kaj vse nas čaka. Indija ti v enem dnevu pokaže res vse svoje obraze – idilične po eni, nepopisno krute po drugi. Pred dnevi smo v Agri obiskali znameniti Taj Mahal, ki predstavlja vrhunec verjetno marsikaterega turističnega obiska Indije. In če je bil obisk notranjosti znamenitosti obarvan z nepopisno gnečo in hrupom, je bilo večerno opazovanje te človeške stvaritve prava poezija. Kot da smo bili tistih nekaj 10 minut v nekem vzporednem svetu, ki nima nobene veze z indijsko stvarnostjo.

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Its really hard to find proper words to describe the reality behind our cozy room walls in the capital city of Rajasthan – Jaipur. India is really something special and its really unbelievable how many contrasts can you experience in just couple of hours. If we are simply amazed by the vivid colors everywhere, mighty temples, fairytale fortresses, delicious food, we are, on the other hand, shocked by the misery, pollution, noise and the number of people almost everywhere. In one day, India shows you all your faces – idyllic ones on one side, miserable ones on the other. A few days ago we visited the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, which is probably the highlight of many tourist journeys to India. And if the visit of the interior of the monument was really crowded and just too noisy, the evening trip was a true poetry. As if we were those couple of minutes in a parallel world that has nothing to do with the Indian reality.

