Dolomiti – mavrice, toča in nore nevihte


V vročih poletnih dneh, ki smo jim priča te dni, je najboljše, če se zavlečeš v kakšno senčko zraven vode ali pa se odpraviš malo višje in se prepustiš svežemu, gorskem zraku. Dolomiti, dobre 3h vožnje od Ljubljane, ponujajo izlete praktično za vse okuse. Za družine z majhnimi otročički, pa malo večjimi, ki jih že razganja od energije. Seveda najdete tudi ture, ki se končajo s kofetom ali lepo ohlajenim pirom ali pa tiste s feratami, po katerih so Dolomiti še posebej znani. No, ker sem jaz trenutno še v stanju za bolj položne ture (na ferato pa me tako ali tako ne spravi nihče), smo zadnja dva dneva v Dolomitih uživali ob krajših turah v okolici Carezza, Passa Giau in jezera Braies. Super konci, le vreme bi moralo vsaj malo sodelovati. 🙂 Ker toče, dežja in norih neviht je bilo čisto preveč.


On hot summer days like today the best thing is to find a spot near the water or hike in the mountains and enjoy in fresh mountain air.  Dolomites, 3h away destination from our place offers all kinds of hikes. For families with small babies or bigger kids, ful of energy, for those, who need coffee or cold beer at the end of the hike or for people, who enjoy ferratas. Because I am still recovering from my injury, we did some short treks around Carezza, Passo Giau and lake Braies. But even when I will be totally healthy, i will skip ferratas – its not really my kind of thing. 🙂 Places were amazing only the weather was so so. It was a bit too rainy, too much hail and too many crazy, strong storms.


