Dolomiti – po obronkih Plose-ja in Gabler-ja

Dolomite smo poleti obiskali že kar nekajkrat, a kljub temu smo videli le drobec tega, kar ponuja to mogočno gorovje. Prve dni našega junijskega road tripa smo tako preživeli na severnih obronkih nacionalnega parka Puez-Geisler, ki ponuja fantastične ture in še bolj fantastične panorame. 🙂 Prvo oblačno in predvsem zelo hladno jutro smo v spremstvu divjih kuncev, ki smo jih lahko opazovali praktično na celotnem delu poti, odkrivali obronke Plose-ja in sosednjega Gablerja. In kljub temu, da ni bilo vreme prav nič prijetno in je kar nekajkrat zagrozilo z dežjem, sta oddeta v tepih gorskih rož ponujala nepozabno kuliso proti Sass de Putia in okoliškim vršacem.

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We have visited Dolomites in summer time several times but we have seen only a fragment of what offers this mighty mountain range. We spent the first couple of days of our June road trip on the northern slopes of the Puez-Geisler National Park, which offers fantastic tours and even more fantastic panoramas. On the first cloudy and very cold morning we hiked the slopes of Plose and Gabler mountain, that offers superb panorama towards the Sass de Putia not far away. During the morning hours we were accompanied by wild rabbits almost on the entire trail and its was superb to watch their play and fantastic panorama behind them. 😉

