Erika in Iztok – poroka plezalcev – Kekčeva domačija Trenta

_X3A5037Majhna, kratka a verjetno z največ smeha do sedaj – to je bila poroka Erike in Iztoka na Kekčevi domačiji v Trenti. Kot strastna ljubitelja plezanja, gora in vsega, kar paše zraven, bi težko izbrala bolj primerno lokacijo – gore na dosegu rok, čisto zraven pa še čarobna reka Soča. In če zraven prištejem še odlično vreme, sproščen, nasmejan in nadvse skuliran poročni par, je bila za nama še ena odlična sobota. 🙂 Če so bile priprave in civilni obred, ki je potekal pri Kekcu, še nekaj običajnega, je bil plezalni foto session čista uživancija in pika na i celotnemu dnevu. E & I, Vrhunsko. Kar tako naprej. 🙂

Small, short but with so much positive energy – this was the wedding day of Erika and Iztok at the cottage Kekčeva domačija in Trenta valley. Because they are passionate climbers and in love with the mountains, it would be difficult for them to find more suitable location than this one. In the middle of Julian Alps and near the amazing Soča river. And if I add perfect weather, relaxed, all the time smiling couple – it was another great Saturday for us. 🙂 If the preparations and civil ceremony were as usual it’s hard to say this for photo session. We went to the boulders nearby and just had an amazing time. E & I – You rock. 🙂


