V slonji čredi – Etosha nacionalni park, Namibija

_X3A8310Drugi dan programa “Animal planet” je bil pred nami. Še pod vtisom levov smo v jutranjih urah zapustili prvi kamp in se počasi podali proti vzhodu, do naše naslednje destinacije – kampa Halali. Pokrajina na poti je bila neverjetna. Živali je bilo ogromno, a nikjer ni bilo sledi o živali, ki smo jo iskali že več kot dva tedna – afriškem slonu. Proti koncu dneva smo se predvsem zato, ker moraš priti v kamp pred sončnim zahodom, tako potikali le še ob vodnih luknjah nedaleč stran od kampa. In ko smo le dobre pol ure pred sončnim zahodom zavili z glavne poti na neko stransko luknjasto, smo po dobrih nekaj 100 metrih vožnje pred nami zagledali tisto, kar smo že tako dolgo iskali – najprej en samec, potem še drug. Obsijana z zadnjimi sončnimi žarki, med rumeno travo afriške savane. Lepo za znoret. Samca smo iz vedno na štart pripravljnega vozila opazovali dobrih 10 minut, potem pa smo ju morali na hitro zapustiti. Do kampa smo imeli še dobrih 10 minut, sonce pa je bilo tik preden oddide na drugo stran planeta. In ko smo napol v transu divjali proti kampu, smo čez dobrih 200 metrov šokirani opazili še nekaj – sloni vsepovsod. Velike samice, male samice in polno mladičev med njimi. Noro. A ker samice niso bile za hece, smo jih na hitro obvozili, na daleč naredili fotko ali dve in oddirjali proti kampu. Kakšen dan! 🙂

It was our second day of live “Animal channel” programme in Etosha natinoal park. Still under the influence of lions we met the day before, we left the first camp and slowly went towards the east, to our next destination – Camp Halali. The landscape along the way was amazing. There was so many animals, but there was no trace of the animal we were looking for more than two weeks – the African elephant. At the end of the day we were cruising mostly around the water holes around the campsite – you have to come to the camp before sunset, otherwise you have to pay big money. Only about half an hour before sunset we turned from the main road to a narrow side one and drove for about 100 meters. And then we saw it – the first one was a big, giant male, and after him there was another one. On the yellow grass of the African savannah, backlit with the last rays of the sun. Amazing. We were photographing for about 10 minutes, always ready to escape if something went wrong but then we had to leave. It was juts too late and we still had more than 10 minutes of driving to the campsite. We just started to drive and after maybe 200 meters we had to stop, shocked by the view – elephants were just everywhere. Large females, smaller females and baby elephants everywhere. Crazy. But because females were not really in the mood, we quickly detoured them, took photos or two from the distance and drove like crazy to the campsite. Oh, what a day. 🙂

