Konec dneva ob “The Kelpies”, Škotska

V zadnjih letih smo na svojih potovanjih videli kar nekaj novih, precej drznih človeških arhitekturnih stvaritev. Nekatere posrečene, druge glede na videno malo manj. 🙂 Guggenheim-ov muzej v Bilbau, Ciudad de las Artes and Sciences v Valenci, Centro Niemeyer v Aviles-u, Gardens by the bay v Singapurju in še bi lahko našteval … so le ene izmed njih. Njihova glavna ideja predvidevam je nekako izboljšati oziroma popestriti obstoječi življenjski prostor in privabiti kar se da veliko število atrakcij žejnih turistov in popotnikov.  “The Kelpies”, mogočne 30 metrov visoke skulpture, posvečene delovnim konjem Škotske, lahko brez težav prištejemo k zgoraj naštetim. In kljub temu, da stojijo le nedaleč stran od vseh možnih znamenitosti Edinburga, so postale atrakcija zase.

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In recent years we have seen on our travels many new rather bold architectural creations. Some were amazing, couple of them not really. 🙂  Guggenheim’s museum in Bilbao, Ciudad de las Artes and Sciences in Valencia, Centro Niemeyer in Aviles, Gardens by the Bay in Singapore and many more very probably built to improve existing habitat or maybe to drawn more tourist to that area. “The Kelpies”, the powerful 30-meter-high sculptures, dedicated to the working horses of Scotland, can easily be added to the above. And despite the fact that they are just couple of kilometers west from attraction rich Edinburg, they became the sight, that attract thousand of tourists.


