Konec s sivko, Provanso in ostalimi lepotami južne Francije

Še nekaj zadnjih besed in fotografij z našega junijskega road tripa po Provansi (naš plan poti najdete tukaj). Tudi v našem primeru so bila polja sivke, ki so zaščitni znak junijske Provanse, glavni razlog za obisk te pokrajine na jugu Francije. Planota Valensole je izjemno fotogenična in brez težav bi jih obiskal še enkrat. Zanimiva so tudi območja okrog mesteca Sault. A Provansa poleg sivke ponuja še mnogo več. Konji močvirja Camargue, starodavna mesteca, zanimivi pohodi in nepozabne ture s SUP-i  so bili tista pika na i, zaradi katerih bo tale road trip zapisan s posebnimi črkami. 🙂

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So here is the final post about our road trip around Provence (you can find our itinerary here). Lavender fields are the trademark of the Provence and they were also the main reason for our visit of the region. The Valensole plateau is extremely photogenic, and I would visit it again without any problems. The area around the old town of Sault is also very attractive. But Provence is not just lavender fields. It can offer you so much more – you can visit camargue horses in the south, visit some ancient towns with remarkable history, you can make some amazing hikes or do some unbelievable trips with SUP or kayaks. Provence is amazing and if you add some other activities to lavender you will have an unforgettable time there. 


