Razgledi z vrha

Kljub temu, da je posestvo Razgledi z vrha oddaljeno le nekaj hribov od našega doma, pa smo ga za potrebe družabnega dogodka odkrili šele po brskanju po spletu. Novo pridobitev blizu Lukovice pri Ljubljani težko primerjam z ostalimi piknik prostori, ki se tržijo v Ljubljani in njeni okolici. Gre za vrhunsko novo lokacijo, s fantastičnimi razgledi, ki brez težav prepričajo tudi bolj zahtevne stranke. Posestvo lahko primerjam tudi z boljšimi lokacijami za poročna slavja in poročne obrede same – ima namreč ogromen potencial in z nekaj dobrimi idejami, vložki, se lahko kosa z najboljšimi. Upam le, da posestvo ostane v tako lepem minimalističnem stilu, kot je sedaj, še naprej – tisti razgledni stolp na tako razglednem vhu, kot je ta, je po mojem mnenju namreč čisto odveč. 😉 Pa še to – vrhunsko kulinariko vam lahko zagotovi Catering Koren, musko vam zarola DJ Krmpy. In ne, objava ni plačana. Le pohvalim tiste, ki si pohvale zaslužijo.

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Even though the place “Razgledi z vrha” is just couple of kilometers away, we discovered it by accident when looking for a spot for a social event. It’s impossible to compare this place with other picnic places around Ljubljana because its just one of the best new locations I found recently. It’s a new location, with fantastic views that definitely convince even more demanding customers. Its perfect for social events, garden parties and you can easily use it also for weddings – it has a huge potential and with some good ideas you can compare this place with the best wedding locations in Slovenia. I really hope that it will stay in this beautiful minimalistic look also in the future – I am just afraid that they will built new and new buildings around it and destroy the main beauty of the place – my humble opinion is, that there was no need to built that new watch tower on a such amazing place, with unbelievable views all around it. And couple of more infos – if you need good catering – contact Koren catering – amazing food and really friendly staff. If you are looking for a good DJ – DJ Krmpy is the right man for you. 🙂 And one more thing – I was not paid to write this – I just have to write some positive remarks about the people who are really good in their business. 😉 

