Lake Bohinj yoga session – client “Lotuscraft”

Kljub temu, da smo izvedli ta session že v septembru, le nekaj dni pred odhodom v ZDA, se mi celotno dogajanje še vedno vrti po glavi. Vse skupaj se je začelo s klicem naročnika iz podjetja Lotuscraft, da bi želel nekaj fotografij njihovih produktov, če se da v naravi, z osebo, ki je dobra v jogi. In ko je naročnik videl še nekaj mojih fotografij Bohinjskega jezera, je bila lokacija izbrana in skupaj z avstrijskim fotomodelom po njegovem izboru sta se pripeljala z Dunaja. In skupaj smo preživeli res zanimiv večer in naslednje jutro. Če je bilo pozno popoldan jezero obsijano s sončnimi žarki, nas je naslednje jutro pričakalo ovito v pravo jesensko meglo, ki se je res počasi umikala jutranjemu soncu. Noro dobra kulisa, ki je ne bom pozabil še dolgo. Hvala Bohinj. 🙂

Despite the fact that we made this photo session in September, a few days before our departure to the U.S.A, I still cant forget this interesting project. It all started with a call from the company Lotuscraft. They presented me a project and ask if I am interested in making some photos of their products, with a person, that is keen in yoga practice. At the beginning we didn’t know where to make a photo session – but after the client saw my photos from lake Bohinj, the decision was made.  They also arranged photo model from Austria – so we just had to wait for proper weather forecast. In total we spent on lake Bohinj really interesting evening and the following morning. In the afternoon there was beautiful light, full of sun. The next morning it was totally different. Fog everywhere, no sun, but just at the beginning. Then the fog slowly disapeared and there were vistas everywhere. Just crazy good scenery, which I will not forget for a long time. Thanks lake Bohinj – again. 🙂

