Pa začnimo. Najprej post, v katerem bo nekaj, upam da uporabnih informacij za vse tiste, ki razmišljate ali pa že planirate pot v USA. Naše potovanje je trajalo 28 dni. Leteli smo z letalsko družbo US Airways, Benetke-Philadelphia-Las Vegas in nazaj. Največja zakladnico informacij iz prve roke o potovanjih po USA najdete zagotovo na blogu http://www.posvetu.si/ – da ne govorim o vseh ponudbah letalskih kart, ki nam jih tedensko sevrira Miha. Vama, Miha in Nadja, pa še enkrat hvala za vse info, pomoč in nasvete pred našim odhodom – je pomagalo. 🙂 Vozilo smo najeli preko spletne strani www.billiger-mietwagen.de – od vsega začetka je bil v planu mini SUV. Ko pa so mi na letališču ponudili Dodgeov mini van, je bilo vseh dilem konec – super avto, z ogromno prostora. Sedežek za najmlajšega nismo najeli pri agenciji, kjer smo najeli avto – kupili smo ga v trgovini Toys”R”Us – nakup je bil nekajkrat cenejši od najema samega. Zdravstveno zavarovanje smo zaradi višine kritja sklenili pri zavarovalnici Vzajemna (večinoma popotniki priporočajo za potovanja v USA zavarovalnico CareMed, ki pa ne zavaruje otrok mlajših od 6 let), riziko odpovedi pri Corisu. Če odmislim nekaj pripetljajev, je bilo potovanje b.p.. OK, 4. dan smo morali zaradi razbitega sprednjega stekla zamenjati avto, po 14 dneh se je poslovil inverter za polnjenje vseh mojih foto baterij v avtu, isti dan se je poslovil še zunanji disk s fotografijami, čez nekaj dni pa je šel po isti poti še mobilni telefon. 🙂 Na poti smo večinoma spali v kampih v nacionalnih parkih. Cena na parcelo je 10 USD, na parceli pa najdete poleg postavljene mize in klopi še žar in prostor za taborni ogenj – vse je seveda vključeno v ceno. Nekajkrat smo spali tudi v privat kampih – cena le teh je bial v povprečju cca. 20 USD – poleg prej naštetih pa je bilo v ceno ponavadi vštet še bazen, jacuzzi, kava in čaj. V motelih smo tako spali le v Las Vegasu in na mestih, kjer je bila temperatura za kampiranje malo prenizka. Še glede prehrane – hrano smo kupovali večinoma v Walmartu, kar nekaj obrokov smo si skuhali sami (gorilnik in ostale pripomočke lahko b.p. in poceni nakupite ob prihodu v USA). V Mcdonaldsu smo jedli mislim da le 3x in kljub temu, da so pred odhodom vsi govorili, da se iz USA vedno vrneš s kakšno kilo več, sem jih jaz na poti pustil 4. 🙂
Let’s get started. In first post I will publish I hope useful information for those who are considering or already planning holidays in the USA. Our journey lasted 28 days. We flew with the airline U.S. Airways, Philadelphia-Venice-Las Vegas and back. If you are planning to go to USA you have to visit web site http://www.posvetu.si/ – its one of the best web sites with info from first hand – not to mention all flight offers that are published weekly. Miha, thanks again for all the info, help and advice before our departure . 🙂 We rented the vehicle through the website www.billiger – mietwagen.de – from the very beginning I was planning to rent a mini SUV. But when they offered me Dodge mini van at the airport , it was the end of all dilemmas – a great car with a lot of space. We didn’t rent a toddler car seat at the agency where we hired a car – we bought it at the store Toys”R”Us – purchase was several times cheaper than the rental itself. Health insurance coverage was due to the insurance amount agreed with the insurance company Vzajemna (travelers to USA usually recommend travel insurance Caremed, but they dont insure children younger than 6 years of age). However, apart from a few incidents, the journey was without any serious problems. OK, on day 4 we had to change the car because of the broken front glass, after 14 days the inverter for charging my batteries and all other stuff in the car stoped working, on the same day external drive said goodbye, a few days later also mobile phone. 🙂 On the way we mostly slept in campgrounds in the national parks. Price is $ 10 for a spot, and there is always a big table, bench, a barbecue and a place for campfire on the spot – all, of course, included in the price. Sometimes we slept in privat campgrounds – the price of these was around 20 USD – usually there was also a swimming pool and a jacuzzi included in the price – not to mention free coffee and tea. So, we slept in motels only in Las Vegas and places, where there was too cold to camp. And about food – we bought food mostly in Walmart. We cooked a few meals ourselves (you can buy burner and other accessories easily upon arrival in the USA). We ate in McDonald’s I think only 3 times, and despite the fact that before leaving everyone said that in the USA you get couple of kilos, I lost 4 on our way. 🙂
And yes, we met the real one. 🙂