Na prepihu med Julijci in Jadranskim morjem – Mrzli vrh


Stric “Aladin” je kazal, da vreme v Posočju bo – no, še kar. Precej vetrovno, brez dežja, a za ostalo Slovenijo je bila prognoza tako ali tako spet obup. In ker ostati doma ni bila niti opcija, smo šli za nekaj dni spet uživat v najlepše kotičke naše dežele. Najprej je bil v planu Matajur in neverjetno razgledni hribčki okrog njega. Pohodi so enostavni, razgledi noro lepi. Na eni strani severni Jadran, na drugi strani pa se ti odpira razgled na celotno verigo Julijskih Alp. In za piko na i lahko v dolini občuduješ še vijuganje naše lepotice Soče. Ni švoh. 🙂 No, na Matajur na koncu niti nismo šli. Zadovoljili smo se že z Mrzlim vrhom, polnim divjim jagod. 🙂


Uncle “Aladin” said that the weather in Posočje will be fine – windy but without rain. But for the rest of Slovenia, the weather forecast was bad again. And because staying at home was not even an option, we went to the most beautiful area of our country for couple of days. First the plan was to hike to the Matajur and amazing panoramic hills around him. Hikes in that area are simple, but the views are already gorgeous. On one side you can see northern Adriatic see and on the other side the entire chain of the Julian Alps. And thats not all – in the valley you can admire the beauty of our Soca river. Not bad at all. 🙂 Well, at the end we didn’t get to the Matajur. Mrzli vrh hill was enough – it was just too windy and there was to many wild strawberries everywhere. 🙂


