Oman – Masirah island – 2. del

Po čem si bom zapomnil 2. del otoka Masirah?

  • zaradi orkanskega vetra, ki nas je skoraj pregnal iz otoka;
  • fantastičnih razgledov in še boljših prostorov za kampiranje;
  • ladijskih razbitin na obalah otoka;
  • kosila, ko smo v trgovini kupili jajca in čebulo in vse skupaj popekli na olivnem olju (no, po kosilu pa ugotovili, da je bil olive oil just for external use!!!);
  • slovenskega morskega ulova na žaru – vrhunska, ogromna sipa;
  • avanture z našim nasedlim trajektom na poti na celino (čisto običajna zadeva, samo vsi smo prestavljali avtomobile in čakali na večje valove – itak, nič posebnega 🙂

And what will I remember from the second part of our journey on Masirah island?

  • hurricane wind – we almost left the island earlier because of it;
  • fantastic views and even better places for camping;
  • shipwrecks on the shores of the island;
  • lunch, when we  bought eggs and onions in the store and cooked everything with Omani olive oil (well, after lunch we found out that it was just for external use!);
  • Slovenian catch of the day – cuttlefish – grilled for dinner – amazing;
  • final adventure with our ferry ride to the mainland – we stranded about 45 minutes to the mainland (no problem, you just have to move the cars a little bit and wait for bigger waves – anyway, nothing special) 🙂

