Še zadnji post o Omanu. Ena izmed najboljših, če ne kar najboljša lokacija v Omanu (po mojem okusu), je bila bela puščava nekaj ur vožnje južno od otoka Masirah. Prava fatamorgana, ko se na obzorju, tik ob morju počasi prikažejo bele sipine. In kar je najboljše – belo peščeno morje imate samo zase. Pravljica.
The last post about Oman. One of the best, if not the best location in Oman (to my taste), is white desert a few hours drive south of the island of Masirah. Its amazing to see how white sand dunes slowly appear on the horizon. And best of all – white sandy sea is totally yours. Just you, noise of the wind and noise from the sea waves. Fairytale.